The Seattle Seahawks constantly bring new technology and fan engagement moments to
Lumen Field and this year was no exception with their launch of Lumen Lens. Balti Virtual
collaborated with the Seahawks and Lumen to design and build not one, not two, but THREE custom augmented reality photo booths for the 2022 season.
Before the season’s first coin toss, Balti Virtual worked with the Seahawks and their video
department to review the plan for Media Day. This is our best opportunity to capture the content used in the AR photo booth, so the correct clips must be captured. We’ve learned that time with players on Media Day is never guaranteed, so over the last year, Balti Virtual has been focused on making the content capture process as quick and efficient as possible.
After Media Day, the Balti Virtual team worked with the Seahawks’ design department to ensure all of the photo booth branding (vinyl wrap, photo frames, etc.), user interface, user experience, and user flow were correct. During the process, we designed a new, flashy player-select screen and interface to attract more fans to the experience. After everything was approved, we sent all three AR Fan Foto booths to the West Coast for installation!
Once all three arrived, the Seahawks found the most ideal locations for them within Lumen Field and have continued to see some of the highest engagement we’ve seen to date. They have one in their pregame football experience area, one on the main floor, and another on the lower field level, so it’s easy for fans to find a Lumen Lens and pose with their favorite player.
Before each home game, Balti Virtual publishes a custom photo frame that displays who the
Seahawks are playing, so every time fans use Lumen Lens, the experience is always different!
The Seahawks utilize their Lumen Lens outside of gameday for stadium tours. Balti Virtual
makes it easy for teams to switch between multiple templates, so engagement stays high
whether they are playing at home or not.
The Seattle Seahawks have been incredible to work with before and during the 2022 NFL season. They continue to inspire our creative team with new and innovative product ideas and are always pushing Lumen Lens to the next level.
We can’t wait to see what the future of this
collaboration will bring!